
In Memory of Dr. Pablo Bordino

We are sad to announce the passing of Dr. Pablo Bordino, recipient of a 2001 Whitley Award Runner-Up prize, for his incredible work protecting dolphins in the La Plata region of Argentina.

Pablo was the Director of Fundacion AquaMarina, an NGO which protects marine wildlife and habitats in Argentina. Throughout his important career, Pablo contributed to the scientific study of the La Plata dolphin, worked with local fishers to adopt techniques to prevent the capture and accidental death of La Plata dolphins, and established marine reserves along the Buenos Aires Province coast to protect biodiversity and safeguard habitat.

His loss is felt by all those who knew him, as well as within the conservation community. Pablo will be remembered for his passionate search to find new ways and technologies to protect the La Plata dolphin and marine ecosystems. He gained international recognition from organisations such as the Wildlife Trust, WWF, and various universities, to name a few, and collaborated with other conservationists in the field, both Argentinean and international.

Our thoughts are with Pablo’s family, friends, and colleagues during this difficult time.

To learn about Pablo’s important contribution to conservation, read here.