WFN has come together with the Peoples’ Trust for Endangered Species, The Zoological Society of London (ZSL), The Rufford Foundation, MBZ Species Conservation Fund, and Fauna & Flora International to issue a joint statement calling for significant, clear and ambitious targets backed by equivalent funding to be agreed at the COP15 UN Biodiversity Summit, to protect ecosystems, bolster support to locally-led solutions, and avert catastrophic loss of nature.
As leading global conservation funders, with a combined 440 years of experience in conservation, our work shows there’s no shortage of local, ambitious leaders who demonstrate the speed and innovation needed to reverse course. Collectively, we have channelled £160 million to more than 4,000 conservationists around the world, who are safeguarding and restoring crucial grassland habitat for Critically Endangered species, persuading governments to cancel mining licences, working to include local people as partners in land management and protection.
It’s time for governments to be held to truly binding targets that create an opportunity to “harmony with nature by 2050,” and for the CBD to deliver a rethink of our relationship with the natural world.
Read our full statement here: Six Key Conservation Funders Urge Five Goals for Nature at COP15 Summit