The 2015 Whitley Awards Ceremony was held on 29th April at The Royal Geographical Society in London. The Ceremony was hosted by Kate Humble with the Whitley Awards presented to the winners by WFN Patron, HRH The Princess Royal, in front of over 450 guests including Sir David Attenborough.

The Winners of the 2015 Whitley Awards were:
Winner of the Whitley Gold Award donated by The Friends and Scottish Friends of the Whitley Fund for Nature, Dino Martins, Kenya – People, plants & pollinators: protecting the little things that power the planet
Winner of the Whitley Award donated by the Garden House School Parents’ Association, Arnaud Desbiez, Brazil – Giant armadillos as a flagship species for the conservation of tropical scrublands in the Cerrado
Winner of the Whitley Award donated by Sarah Chenevix-Trench, Rosamira Guillen, Colombia – Proyecto Tití: expanding conservation efforts to protect the cotton-top tamarin in northern Colombia
Winner of the Whitley Award for Conservation in Ape Habitats donated by the Arcus Foundation, Panut Hadisiswoyo, Indonesia – Conservation villages: building local capacity for the protection of Sumatran orangutans and their habitat, Indonesia
Winner of the Whitley Award donated by The Shears Foundation in memory of Trevor Shears, Jayson Ibañez, Philippines – Preventing further decline of the Philippine eagle on Mindanao Island
Winner of the Whitley Award donated by the Garfield Weston Foundation, Inaoyom Imong, Nigeria – Saving Cross River gorillas through community-based conservation in the Mbe Mountains
Winner of the Whitley Award donated by WWF-UK, Ananda Kumar, India – Elephant messengers: using innovative communication systems to enable human-elephant coexistence in southern India
Winner of the Whitley Award donated by The William Brake Charitable Trust in memory of William Brake, Pramod Patil, India – Community conservation of the great Indian bustard in the Thar Desert, India: a landscape-level approach
Photographs of the winners receiving their awards, along with images of their work can be found here.