Since the 1980s, amphibians have suffered global population declines, more than any other taxonomic group over the last few millennia. Currently, 41% of the world’s frogs, toads, newts, salamanders and caecilians are at risk of extinction. In South Africa, 18% of amphibians are classified as Threatened or Data Deficient. Almost two-thirds of the country’s 135 frog species are found nowhere else, making South Africa a priority for the conservation of this overlooked group.
The Endangered Wildlife Trust runs the only NGO programme in southern Africa focused on frog conservation. Programme Manager Jeanne works to fill vital knowledge gaps and address the threats facing amphibians in South Africa, including habitat loss, pollution and invasive species. Known as the “Frog Lady”, Jeanne and her team aim to elevate public awareness and change negative attitudes by highlighting the importance of amphibians, with over 14,000 people having participated in the project’s national awareness Leap Day for Frogs since 2015!
Jeanne will focus on eight species of threatened amphibian including the Pickersgill’s Reed Frog, Amathole Toad and Table Mountain Ghost Frog, along the KwaZulu-Natal coast, the Eastern Cape and the Western Cape peninsula. She will monitor populations and assess the feasibility of conservation interventions, working with landowners. By using frogs as flagships for habitat protection, Jeanne will not only ensure their survival but contribute to the broader conservation of freshwater and grassland areas that serve as important watersheds and carbon sinks.
Jeanne and her team will:
- Formally protect and improve management of 20,000 ha of amphibian habitat, safeguarding a total of 8 frog species
- Create species action plans for the Endangered Western Leopard Toad and Critically Endangered Table Mountain Ghost Frog
- Promote awareness about amphibians and their conservation via national outreach
- Produce a 10-year conservation and research strategy for South African frogs
TOP Facts:
- The Critically Endangered Amathole Toad was not seen for 13 years before being ‘rediscovered’ by Jeanne and her team in 2011
- Amphibians receive on average 75% less conservation funding than mammals, birds or reptiles
- The Endangered Pickersgill’s Reed Frog is only 2 cm, no bigger than a penny!
“The fact that almost half of amphibians are experiencing declines should be a massive wake-up call to humanity that all is not right with our planet – most people however are unaware that amphibians are even in trouble.” – Jeanne Tarrant
Follow Jeanne on social media @JeanneT4Frogs, and view more images of her work here.
Film credits: Chad Keates, Chave Weather, Earth Touch, Endangered Wildlife Trust, International River Foundation, Ruan Kotze, The Threatened Amphibian Programme.
Taking the leap: Scaling amphibian conservation in Africa
South Africa
£100,000 over 2 years
Despite the essential role that amphibians play in ecosystems and the vital services their habitats provide, amphibian conservation remains severely underlooked, under-resourced, and under capacitated. In southern Africa, one in five amphibians are threatened, primarily due to habitat loss and transformation, and the growing impacts of climate change.
As regional chair of the Amphibian Specialist Group, Jeanne has elevated the status of frog conservation in South Africa. Her work has initiated formal habitat protection and improved habitat management across regions where six threatened species are found. By expanding amphibian conservation work in the country from two provinces to four, Jeanne has increased frog numbers, boosted employment and raised much-needed awareness, engaging landowners and hundreds of community members in conservation practices.
Since winning her Whitley Award, she has discovered more than 10 previously unknown subpopulations of three threatened frog species and established a new non-profit conservation organisation, Anura Africa, to support landscape-level amphibian conservation priorities across Africa.
Using Continuation Funding, Anura Africa aims to address gaps in amphibian conservation by targeting urgent species recovery priorities identified in the Red List assessment for southern Africa, and in alignment with the latest global strategies. Jeanne aims to build greater understanding of regional amphibian conservation needs through promoting citizen science to generate critical data, as well as strengthening the African network of early-career conservation biologists by providing training and mentorship opportunities for future leaders.