
2021 Whitley Awards booklet

Our annual booklet sets out WFN's vision for a #RootToRecovery, alongside stunning photography, Whitley Award winner profiles and key facts about the charity.

Leaf through the booklet, or pick out a page that interests you:

Key information about the charity:

2-3 Foreword from WFN Founder, Edward Whitley OBE
4-5 WFN’s vision and objectives

Whitley Awards support conservationists with funding, profile and training; find out more:

6 Grants for grassroots action
7 Shining a spotlight
8 Catalysing success

the results of 28 years spent channelling £18M to more than 200 conservationists across 80 countries:

9 Impact
10-11 Global winner network

Welcome to the Whitley Awards 2021:

14 Application assessment
15 Introducing the winners
16-17 Lucy Kemp
18-19 Pedro Fruet
20-21 Nuklu Phom
22-23 Kini Roesler
24-25 Iroro Tanshi
28-29 Paula Kahumbu (Whitley Gold Award)

WFN’s vision for a #RootToRecovery:

30-31 #RootToRecovery
32-33 Continuation Funding and Nature-Based Solutions
34-35 Alumni achievements

More information about the charity:

36-37 Our finances explained
38-29 WFN’s donors

Read and download the booklet here.