Finalists for the 2014 Whitley Awards will be travelling to London from all over the world for the Awards Ceremony on May 8th

Communities working with Whitley Award winning Project Seahorse badly affected by storm. Relief Funds launched

Global strategy for snow leopards agreed by range country governments. Whitley winner Charu Mishra plays key role

Watch highlights or in full: Alastair Fothergill & Sir David Attenborough’s talk at the Royal Geographical Society on 1st Oct

Visit the Apply for Funding section to learn how to apply for Whitley Awards and check eligibility

This new film looks at Susana Gonzalez’s Whitley Award winning work to conserve Uruguay’s Pampas deer

Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka recognised for work linking human health & development with gorilla conservation in Uganda

Research led by Charu Mishra shows unsustainable cashmere trade is harming Himalayan wildlife

Peter Johnson and four friends kayaked over 100 miles to support WFN

Sea turtle conservationist Didiher Chacon has won the 2013 Challenge Grant, worth £20,000

July 8th – Peter Johnson will be kayaking 100 miles to raise money to support Whitley Award winners

Whitley Award winner, Jon Paul Rodriguez, has won Venezuela’s most prestigious science award