
We are thrilled to announce the shortlist of six finalists for the Whitley Awards 2017.

Whitley Award winner, Arnaud Desbiez, on BBC2’s Hotel Armadillo

Whitley Gold Award winner, Cagan Sekercioglu, on BBC 2’s prime time documentary.

News from our winners

WFN’s Continuation Funding programme 2017 is now open for applications

Whitley Gold Award winner on Radio 4

Top 15 contenders for the Whitley Awards 2017 announced

Susana Gonzales receives the “2016 Women in Science Award” from the L’Oreal Foundation and UNESCO

Tom nominates WFN as his chosen charity during his appearance on Celebrity Mastermind.

Watch the highlights or full film from our Poaching, Pesticides and Politics Event

Our 2016 Conservation Lecture held at the Royal Geographical Society

WFN is pleased to announce the Whitley-Segré Conservation Fund winners